We bought an Emergency kit which I don't own yet, but is now compulsory aboard all boats operated in Canada. Until now, since the rule came into effect we have rented canoes which were supplied with kits. This equipment was on sale at about 60% off, wowzers!
The upper photo on the left shows the entire kit which is a yellow bailer with a blue lid. Besides the bailer it includes: signaling devices including a whistle, a waterproof flashlight and SOS Mirror (the silvered lid); marine rope and float to throw at someone to reach them, knock them out or get their attention. The kit contents as displayed in the second photo.
We also purchased some stainless steel 10 gauge pan head 1 1/4''and 1 1/2'' screws; line (nautical term for rope) for tying the kayak; two waternoodles -- more on that later; and two PFDs (Personal Floatation Devices or life jackets) on sale at 60% off -- more on that later too.
I have posted a comment. This works I think.